About Us

What is the Community Foundation of Monroe County?

We serve as a leader, catalyst and resource in the philanthropic and nonprofit sector.

We build, cultivate, and administer a permanent reserve of charitable capital for the community’s present needs and future opportunities.

We make strategic grants and investments in the areas of arts and culture, community and economic development, education and scholarships, environment and historic preservation, health and human services, youth programs.

Our Mission:

The Community Foundation of Monroe County encourages and facilitates philanthropic collaboration and growth to improve the quality of life of Monroe County residents.


We envision working collaboratively to facilitate enhanced charitable giving and impact the needs of our community.



What community benefits do we offer?

  • As a community foundation we serve as catalyst to convene donors, other grant makers and resources for innovation, collaboration and program expansions related to community needs and challenges.
  • We offer grants and seed funding for the launch of new initiatives that are appropriate, based on community need.
  • We provide an objective partner to cultivate, nurture and facilitate collaborations, partnerships and mergers to mitigate duplicative organizations and/or services and capitalize on shared missions and resources.
  • We provide technical resources, capacity building and advocacy for the charitable sector.
  • As a community foundation, we will reduce the number of nonprofit organizations within a given geography and reduce the number of nonprofit start-ups creating greater efficiency and effectiveness of the sector as whole. We create greater efficiency and effectiveness of the nonprofit sector as a whole.
  • We administer organizational endowments to provide emergency reserves and operational stipends to stabilize critical nonprofit services and programs. Organizational endowments, when aggregated together with discretionary funds and donor advised funds typically have higher investment returns due to a larger investment pool.

What opportunities do we offer prospective donors?

  • To be united in purpose with other donors with a variety of ideas and interests but united in a common purpose – to make their community better.
  • To give today and create a legacy for the future.
  • To build resources to strengthen our community
  • To give safely knowing the Foundation provides oversight of funds and knowledgeable grant making.
  • To make tax-deductible contributions as allowable for gifts to a public charity.”
Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church Shelter
Non-profit Leaders

Jonathan Broady Photography

Salvation Army food pantry